rewards programme

The active members of earn rewards for their activity. As an active member, you will earn reward euros on your personal account, which you can exchange into cash or products. Each reward euro is worth one euro, but due to the witholding taxes, part of the rewards are paid to the tax authorities. An active member can choose to ask his rewards to be paid to an organisation of his choice. In this case, there is no taxable income generated for the member, and no tax is withheld.

Collect reward points

As an active member you can collect reward in few different ways as explained herein. There is no any particular maximum to the amount of rewards you can collect. However, it is realistical to expect to earn between 20 and 50 euros per month. If you are particulary active and you have a bit of luck, you can reach 80 euros in a month.

Weekly reward

Each active member, who produces at least 60 minutes of viewing time in a calendar week, gets +2 euro weekly reward on their reward account. The weekly reward is +2,50 euro, in case the member produced 60 minutes also during the previous calendard week, and +3 euro, if the member produced 60 minutes of viewing time/week for at least two immediately preceeding calendar weeks. The weekly reward is added to the member's reward account as soon as the weekly requirement has been reached and booked in Tutkimusapu systems.

Special missions

Tutkimusapu publishes so called special missions from time to time to its members. Special missions are targetted either to all the members or to members of certain age/sex. Special missions are either - web browsing missions, in which the member is given a specific task on certain website, such as registration, or - video viewing missions, in which the member simply view a video shown to them.
In both mission types, Tutkimusapu collects the viewing data during the mission completion. In web browsing missions, Tutkimusapu records a screen cast video of the mission as well. For each completed special mission the member gets +100 research points added to the extra reward raffles of the month. In addition, for each web browsing missions the member gets an extra +1 euro on their reward account. Do note that if the member completes the same mission twice, there is no more extra rewards paid.


Tutkimusapu publishes time to time so-called "day passes", which all contain 15 web sites selected by Tutkimusapu, from which there is a special need to get research data. Available day passes can be found in the browser extensions, and completing them is voluntary. To complete a day pass it is required that the member visits each of the sites in the day pass, and browsers them until the browser extensions informs that enough viewing time has been collected. Typically each site requires between 1 and 3 minutes of viewing time. Once the day pass is completed entirely, the member gets an extra +1 euro on their reward account.

Extra reward raffles

In addition to the monthly base reward and rewards for special missions, there are three extra reward euro raffles with a chance to win extra reward euros. All the active members are automatically included in the two first raffles. For the two first raffles, every active member gets as many tickets as they have collected reseach points during the previous month. In other words, the more member collects research points during a month, the better are his chances of winning in the raffles. The winners of the two first extra reward euro raffles get: * the first raffle winner gets + 30 euros, and * the second raffle winner gets + 20 euros. The winner of the first raffle is excluded from the second raffle, so every month, there will be two different winners. In the third raffle, members get one ticket per one minute of Facebook-minutes they have collected during the pervious month. The winner of the third monthly raffle gets +50 euros Mind that non-winning raffle tickets are not transferred to the next month. The results of each raffle are published on site. The winners get their reward points automatically added on their reward points account.

Redeeming prizes

Members can redeem the reward euros they have collected either in cash or as products. Members can redeem their reward euros by choosing the wanted prizes on the "rewards" page. We mail / pay out the redeemed prizes every other month, on the 14th of the month, or on the next office day, if the 14th of the month is not an office day. If the member has chosen to get his rewards paid to an organisation, he does not need to redeem the prizes himself, but the payments are made automatically. The member can still see how he has earned rewards to his organisation. When a member redeems a prize, we will deduct the Finnish withholding tax according to the member's tax rate.

Withholding tax

Members are subject to pay income tax to the Finnish tax authorities for the prizes they have redeemed for themselves. Tutkimusapu will deduct the witholding tax according to the member's tax card. For example: * a member has 50 reward euros on his account, and his witholding tax rate on his tax card is 18 % * the member redeems 20 reward euros worth of cash or other prizes * Tutkimusapu will deduct 20 reward euros for the prize, and 4 points as withholding tax, totalling 24 reward euros.